For other applications such as Emacs and Vim, you can enable "cite as you write" features that will improve your citations at the moment you refer to them in your text. Jabref natively supports BibTeX and BibLaTeX to provide bibliographical capabilities to text-based typing systems such as markdown and latex. Grouping of data based on tags, hierarchies, and standards is also available under organizational features while letting you keep track of your progress. An array of new reference types are also editable directly. Based on data found in such places, you can rename your files to organize them under suitable categorize, which will prove beneficial at later points. It does so by comparing your files with reputable online databases such as Google scholar and MathSciNet. This platform provides the ability to complete your database by adding supplementary data about each title or research, such as authors, publishers, and more. Users can later add or remove references to these pieces of information. The browser extensions provide efficient access to web-based articles and books. Using databases such as ISBN, DOI, or arXiv-ID, you can directly fetch information such as total words, publishers, authors, and more and then add this data to your collection to get compressive details about each title. Users can quickly retrieve and refer to full-length articles while saving them in an easily accessible format for later viewing through the interface. Jabref allows accessible import facilities for a variety of formats directly from the sources. You can use this app to enhance the quality of your research and publications as it can help manage citations and references to be listed in your papers.

This nifty application is available as a desktop app or browser extensions for quick integration with your work environment.